More than 50 photo-artifacts from the series "Towards the Night," created by Francisco Infante and Nonna Goryunova during the summer of 2020. For the first time in their history, a portion of the works by this creative duo has been produced in a large format.
February 26 - April 15, 2021

Francisco Infante and Nonna Goryunova "Toward the Night"

On February 26, the Alina Pinsky Gallery opened an exhibition titled "Artefacts" featuring works by Francisco Infante and Nonna Goryunova. The new series is called "Towards the Night" and was created during the summer of 2020.

Francisco Infante is considered a classic of contemporary Russian art and one of the key figures in Soviet unofficial culture. However, he can also be seen as an artist of the world, transcending geography, time, and politics. His creative approach is unique, revolving around metaphors of infinity and the search for harmony between humanity and nature, in the eternal confrontation between the individual and the cosmos – all rooted in unique materials.

Infante is one of the main characters in a major exhibition on kinetic art taking place at the New Tretyakov Gallery until May 10, 2021.

The series "Towards the Night" vividly explores the theme of the vastness and incomprehensibility of the universe. The artifacts in this series are technically complex and meticulously designed, brilliantly executed. At night, the world seems to return to its primal state, as if negating the empirical daytime. It is in this captured phase transition that eternity is revealed.

The exhibition features over 50 photo-artifacts. For the first time in their history, a part of the creative duo's works has been produced in large format, with a print run of 2 + 2 author's prints.
His creative approach is unique, characterized by metaphors of infinity and the pursuit of harmony between humanity and nature in the eternal struggle between the individual and the cosmos – all of this is grounded in his unique material.
The gallery has taken on a challenging task: instead of presenting winning retrospectives, it aims to showcase the artist in the moment of his current creative state, with half a century of experience in creating "Artefacts," in his relentless attempts to understand the unknown.

Alina Pinsky
From the introductory article of the exhibition catalogue
The catalogue for the exhibition was published with an introductory article by Alina Pinsky, the founder of the eponymous gallery, art historian, and curator of the exhibitio
The exposition views
The selected works

Artifacts from the series 'Towards Night', 2020

Edition 1/2 + 2 a.p.
Chromogenic print, Fujiflex Crystal Archive paper
60 x 90 cm"
Artifacts from the series 'Towards Night', 2020
1/2 digital print, Fujiflex paper, mounted on Dibond
60 x 90 cm
Artifacts from the series 'Towards Night', 2020
Chromogenic print, Fujiflex Crystal Archive paper
Edition 1/2 + 2 a.p.
115 x 170 cm
Artifacts from the series 'Towards Night', 2020
Chromogenic print, Fujiflex Crystal Archive paper.
Edition 1/2 + 2 a.p.
115 x 165 cm.
Artifacts from the series 'Towards Night', 2020
Chromogenic print, Fujiflex Crystal Archive paper.
Edition 1/2 + 2 a.p.
115 x 165 cm.
Artifacts from the series 'Towards Night', 2020
Chromogenic print, Fujiflex Crystal Archive paper.
Edition 1/2 + 2 a.p.
115 x 165 cm.
Artifacts from the series 'Towards Night', 2020
1/2 Digital print, Fujiflex paper, laminated on Dibond.
60 x 90 cm.
Artifacts from the series 'Towards Night', 2020
1/2 Digital print, Fujiflex paper, laminated on Dibond.
60 x 90 cm.