Personal exhibition of Evgeny Muzalevsky.
Approximately 50 paintings and graphic works by the expressive and unique artist have taken over the entire space of the gallery on Prechistenka Street.
October 8, 2021 - December 6, 2021


On October 8th, Alina Pinsky Gallery opened a solo exhibition by Evgeny Muzalevsky. Bright and charismatic, distinctive, free, and expressive – at the age of 25, this artist has already made his mark in significant Russian collections, and younger colleagues are trying to emulate him.
Evgeny Muzalevsky graduated from the Rodchenko School (under the mentorship of Sergey Bratkov) and is currently continuing his studies at the Offenbach University of Art and Design in Germany under the guidance of German professor and artist Heiner Blum.
When he entered the Rodchenko School, Muzalevsky initially focused on photography and envisioned himself as a professional photographer. However, he soon began to paint, transitioning from graphics to large-scale painting. "At the Rodchenko School, I studied art theory, looked at the works of other artists, and started to think beyond the photographic. Visual images don't need words, and I wanted to paint rather than speak," says Evgeny. This transition proved to be extremely organic in his case, as it is evident that Muzalevsky's painting is executed in one breath. Creating a work of art for him is inseparable from his life experiences, and he perceives painting as a natural process. His style is instantly recognizable, despite the language's closed-off nature and the self-contained system of his imagery. Various formats, whether it's a pocket-sized sketchbook or a five-meter canvas, are mastered effortlessly by the artist.

"Muzalevsky's art emerges from the interweaving of images once captured and embedded in his consciousness, which he constantly extracts from memory, pulls out from the everyday or from the history of art, because 'life is like jelly, which can be cooked in different ways,' and 'the personal and the historical have no boundaries.'"
Irina Gorlova
from the introductory article to the exhibition
The catalogue has been published for the exhibition, featuring over 50 works created from 2018 to 2021. It also includes introductory essays by art critics Irina Gorlova and Igor Volkov.
The exposition
The selected artworks
Мне страшно, что я двигаюсь не так, как жуки-жуки, как бабочки и коляски и как жуки-пауки, 2020
Холст, смешанная техника
240 х 142 см
Двойной автопортрет (диптих), 2020
Холст, масло
213 х 126, 213 х 126 см

Работал разнорабочим на заводе полгода, 2020
Холст, масло
183 х 124 см
Fast Parfume Girl, 2020
Холст, масло

142 х 185 см

Михаил Глинка - бедный певец, 2018
Бумага, краска

260 х 165 см

Чёрныш, 2020
Холст, масло
180 х 124 см
Эксгибиционисты в лесу, 2020
Холст, масло
141 х 250 см

Заблудился в лесу, извиняюсь в носу, 2021
Холст, масло

238 х 163 см

Без названия, 2021
Холст, смешанная техника

158 х 158 см

Мадонна, 2020
Холст, смешанная техника
240 х 139 см

Без названия, 2020
Холст, смешанная техника
126 х 244 см
Без названия, 2020
Холст, масло
126,5 х 193 см